Timberwolf Fitness Roseville – CrossFit WOD

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

AMRAP 3-3-3-4 / 1:00 Rest

250/200m Row

15 Toes to Bar/ Hanging Leg Raise

In remaining time

10 Squat Clean 135/95 (95/65)

8 Squat Clean 155/105 (105/70)

6 Squat Clean 185/125 (115/75)

4 Squat Clean 225/155 (125/80)

Max Squat Clean 245/165 (135/85)
-Each 3 or 4 minute AMRAP starts with the Row/TTB “buy-in”, then in remaining time work your way through the Squat Clean ladder. Continue where you leave off, after the buy in.

Everyone should have at least :60 to get some Squat Clean reps in. Highly recommended today to scale back on reps to do this, same goes with the load on the cleans. Modify so you can get to the final bar which is intended to be heavy. Score is total Squat Cleans.

Back Squat (Rest 5:00 then Every 2:00 for 10:00
3 Reps 70-75%)

pick a weight and stay there…medium/heavy