Timberwolf Fitness Roseville – CrossFit WOD

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)


20/16 Cals of Choice

20 Burpees over DBs

50′ Walking Lunge with DBs (2)

Rest 2:00

20/16 Cals of Choice

20 Burpees Pullups

50′ Walking Lunge with DBs (2)

Rest 2:00

20/16 Cals of Choice

20 Single DB Devil Press

50′ Walking Lunge with DBs (2)

Rest 2:00
Go hard with built in rest

S 30/20

RX 50/35

25′ Lunge = 1 rep

Accessory Super Set (3 Rounds for reps)

3 Sets – rest 2 min between sets 1a. 15 dumbbell rows each arm 1b. max effort push ups