Timberwolf Fitness Roseville – CrossFit WOD

With a Partner (Time)

6 Rounds (I go you go full rounds, 3 rounds each)

20/16 calorie row

2 rope climbs RX, 2 legless RX+, 8 strict pull-ups scaled

Rest 3 min after the 6 rounds

6 Rounds (I go you go)

12 bar facing burpees

5 power snatch 115/75 RX, 185/125 RX+, 95/65 scaled

Rest 3 min after the 6 rounds

6 Rounds (I go you go)

12 handstand push ups RX, deficit handstand push ups RX+ 2/4″, 12 seated z press scaled 35/20
If solo, do three rounds and rest 1:1 between rounds