Timberwolf Fitness Roseville – WOD

With a Partner (Time)


For Time:

48 chest to bars RX+, RX, pull-up scaled

29 pistols RX+, RX, scaled single leg squat to a box

14 burpee over the bar

26 shoulder to overhead RX+ 165/115, RX 135/95, Scaled 95/65

31 single arm devils press RX+ 70/50, RX 50/35, Scaled 35/20

18 pistols

57 burpee over the bar

20 shoulder to overhead

32 chest to bar

31 single arm devils press

28 pistols

20 chest to bar

33 burpee over the bar

57 deadlifts (at your s2o weight)

Buy Out:

127/99 calories RX+ and RX echo bike, scaled rowing
Solo Option:

Do half the reps but continue to zone 2 bike or row until the partnered class pairs are done