Timberwolf Fitness Roseville – CrossFit WOD

Metcon (Time)

Every 5:00 for 25:00

200m Run

12 Strict toes to bar

200m Run

6 Wall Walks
S Banded, plank or HS Hold, weighted ab mat sit-ups 30/20

Rx as written

1 Wall Walk = :10 Hold

*score is total time for all 5 rounds

Metcon (No Measure)



1. :30 Wall Sit

2. :30 Tall Plank

3. :30 Dead Hang*

*for an extra challenge, do chin over bar

-3 Rounds of Holds, if the wall sits are too easy, grab a heavy KB to hold on to while in the sit. Tall Plank can be :15 each of single arm.