Timberwolf Fitness Roseville – CrossFit WOD

3 SETS for Time: (Time)

3 Rounds With A Partner

200 meter run with your partner

16 sandbag bearhug squats RX+ 200/150, RX 150/100, Scaled 100/70

16 Chest To Bar RX+ and RX, pull-ups or ring rows scaled

30 wall balls RX+ 30/20, RX 20/14, Scaled 14/10

Rest 2:00 after each SET (3 rounds = 1 set)
Time Cap 43 min

The CrossFit Football Total (Total Weight)

Power Clean (1 Rep Max)
Back Squat (1 Rep Max)
Bench Press (1 Rep Max)
Deadlift (1 Rep Max)
Power Clean (1 Rep Max)

Back Squat (1 Rep Max)

Bench Press (1 Rep Max)

Deadlift (1 Rep Max)

NOTE – this is only for the 10:30am CrossFit Football Total Event.

Regular CrossFit classes are only doing the other metcon!