Timberwolf Fitness Roseville – CrossFit WOD

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

4x AMRAP 3 / Rest 1:00

5 Wall Walks

10 Push Press

15 Wall Balls
S Wall Walk as High as you can or :30 Plank, 95/65, 14/10

RX 135/95, 20/14

*pick up each round where you left off

Metcon (No Measure)

Strict Press / Deficit Push Ups

In 15:00 Complete

5 Sets for Quality

10-8-6-4-2 Strict Press

10-20 Deficit Push Ups after Each Set
We’re looking for GOOD push ups here (hips & shoulders rising at the same rate) If there’s any worming, skip the deficit and modify as needed. Max deficit should be about 2″ or on 25# plates. Strict Press load will increase as reps decrease. Press can also be barbell or DBs.